
Equations in groups and complexity

On Tuesday 19 July, Olga Varghese will talk about her research in Newcastle.

See you there!

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Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft

Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft findet am 11. Juni 2022 statt. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe beteiligt sich mit zwei Aktionen:

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingladen!

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Welcome Isobel Davies

We are excited to welcome Isobel Davies to our team, who joined us in January 2021.
She will be working on his PhD under joint supervision of Petra Schwer and Linus Kramer (at WWU Münster).
Isobel, a warm welcome to you and we wish you a great start in your new phase!

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Welcome Marco Lotz

We are excited to welcome Marco Lotz to our team, who joined us in November 2019.
He will be working on his PhD under joint supervision of Petra Schwer and Thomas Kahle.
Marco, a warm welcome to you and we wish you a great start in your new phase!

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Letzte Änderung: 21.05.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster