
These pages will not be updated after January 2024.

Eine willkürliche (und wachsende) Liste von Links. Viel Spaß!

Websites - die Seite der DMV

coole Visualisierungen von mathematischen Gebäuden

make hyperbolic tilings out of your own pictures

3d-printing and maths

online Geometry Puzzles Euclidea

Stackechange thread on Penrose's remark on impossible figures

mathoverflow thread on teaching-based-research

GeoGebra  model of the Poincaré half-plane to play with


Podcasts and Blogs

Pi ist genau 3 - der Podcast von Petra Schwer und Thomas Kahle

My Favourite Theorem 


Nusschale a science podcast


Other stuff

Secrets of the Surface: The mathematical vision of Maryam Mirzakhani

Mathe fürs Leben - Deutschlandfunk Spezial

hyperbolic shapes to illuminate

hyper Rogue - a game in hyperbolic plane

Geogebra a cool visualization tool for Geometry - great for math teachers as well!

Robert Ghrist: Elementary applied topology

A cohomological vewpoint on elementary school math

Some mugs aren't donuts

How to give better talks

A new Eigenvalue-Eigenvector formula

Mathematical concepts named after places

Cross products and the 4-color theorem

Euclide the game: explore Euclidean geometry



visualizing hyperbolic geometry

Secrets of the Surface: The mathematical vision of Maryam Mirzakhani

and a video about the game hyperRogue on youtube (this is cool to watch even if you don't like playing computer games)

Math is everywhere - video for the first international day of math

Spherical geometry is stranger than hyperblic


Gender bias in academia - an annotated bibliography

Study Claims One Punctuation Mark Has Been Skewing Our Scientific Ranking System


Math Myths

Myth-busting Mathematics | Professor Kate Smith-Miles (youtube-link)

The Misconceptions About Math That Are Keeping Students From Succeeding (Kevion Anderton, Forbes) 


Women in Maths

Ruth Moufang - the first female Math Professor in Germany

Secrets of the Surface: The mathematical vision of Maryam Mirzakhani

women of mathematics - a gallery of portraits

European Women in Maths

Deutschlandkarte aller Mathematikprofessorinnen

history of scientific women

Women in combinatorics




Letzte Änderung: 15.02.2024 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster