Teaching and Methodikkabinett
Overview of modules
The following documents, divided into the courses of study, give an overview of which lectures are split into the particular modules. Additionally, the contents of the lectures, the required knowledge and the semester, in which the lectures should be taken part of, are shown.
Teaching in Summer Semester 2022
All lectures are given in German:
- Didaktik des Mathematikunterrichts an Sekundarschulen (V/Ü) 2 SWS (Prof. Rach, Fesser)
- Didaktik des Mathematikunterrichts in der S II (V/Ü) 2 SWS (Prof. Rach, Dr. Leneke)
- Digitale Medien im Mathematikunterricht (V) 2 SWS (Dr. Pustelnik)
- Einführung in die Didaktik der Mathematik (V) 2 SWS (Prof. Rach)
- Einführung in die Didaktik der Mathematik (Ü) 1 SWS (Prof. Rach)
- Professionspraktische Studien an berufsbildenden Schulen (S) 1 SWS (Prof. Rach)
- Seiteneinsteigerprogramm Mathematikdidaktik I (V) 4 SWS (Prof. Rach)
- Seiteneinsteigerprogramm Mathematikdidaktik II - Sekundarschule (V) (Prof. Rach, Fesser)
- Seiteneinsteigerprogramm Mathematikdidaktik II - Sekundarstufe II (V) (Prof. Rach)
- Seiteneinsteigerprogramm Mathematikdidaktik II - SPÜ (V) (Prof. Rach)
- Seminar zur Vorbereitung auf das Schulpraxissemester (S) 2 SWS (Prof. Rach, Dr. Pustelnik, Kron)
- Umgang mit Fehlvorstellungen (V) 2 SWS (Dr. Jeschke)
- Unterrichtskonzepte - Schulpraktische Übungen (Ü) 2 SWS (Dr. Pustelnik)
- Abschlussarbeitskolloquium (KO) 1 SWS (AG Didaktik der Mathematik)
Opening Hours Methodikkabinett (Room 03-210) Sommersemester 2021:
The Methodikkabinett provides different types of material, like school books, magazines or game that can be used for peparing your exercises or your teaching.
There are again regular opening hours: If you want to use the Methodikkabinett you can come mondays between 3:00 and 04:00 pm. If you cannot make it in that time period pleace contact Jan Vorbrodt (jan.vorbrodt@ovgu.de).
Stock of Methodikkabinett
At the Methodikkabinett there are materials provided to pepare your teaching or to pepare for an exam. You will find different kind of school books, games or magazines with current research results or exemplary teaching concepts.