WISST! - das "What is...?"-Seminar beim Tee!

The WISST! is a seminar of the Institut für Algebra und Geometrie of the OvGU where members of the IAG present definitions / objects / theorems / results / experiments / examples of their interest, of mathematical and/or didactical nature. The seminar is inspired by the "what is...?"-, "15 Minuten"- and "arXiv"-Seminars of the BMS, the KIT and the Uni Bielefeld, respectively, as well as by the "What is...?" Column of the Notices of the AMS.


The speakers talk in an open, informal environment (after tea and coffee!) and present their favorite topics either based on their own research interests or based on works they might have recently stumbled upon on research platforms (such as the arXiv). The talks are short, 10 to 15 minutes long, and held in English. Questions are welcome at all times.

The seminar takes place on Tuesdays during the IAG Tee meeting, below you can find the schedule for this semester:

Summer Semester 2022

05.04.2022 Philipp Korell
What is... completion?     
19.04.2022 Andreas Kretschmer
What is... a symmetric ideal?
03.05.2022 Xiangying Chen What are... the games on hyperbolic planes?
17.05.2022 Marco Lotz What is... Hilbert's ultra-parallel theorem for hyperplanes?
31.05.2022 Julian Vill What is... a spectrahedron?
07.06.2022 Xiangying Chen  What is... a combinatorial atlas?
14.06.2022 Patrick Fesser What are... Grunderfahrungen?











Below is an overview of previous WISST talks:

Previous WISST Talks

03.12.2019 Yuri Santos Rego What are... Heegaard splittings?
10.12.2019 Tobias Boege What is... a polymatroid?
07.01.2020 Marco Lotz What are... local groups?
14.01.2020 Frank Röttger What is... a permutation statistic?
21.01.2020 Silke Neuhaus-Eckhardt What is... Grundvorstellung?
04.02.2020 Tobias Boege What is... a hyperfield?
11.02.2020 Lamprini Ananiadi
What is... a staged tree (statistical) model?
18.02.2020 Thomas Kahle What is... predatory publishing?
03.03.2020 Thomas Kahle What is... a journal?
02.06.2020 Irem Portakal What is... the card game SET?
09.06.2020 Yuri Santos Rego What is... a good mix of our coffee?
13.10.2020 Patrick Fesser What is... a certain Messinstrument zur Erfassung von
wissenschaftspropädeutischen Kompetenzen im Fach Mathematik?
(Ergebnisse einer ExpertInnenbefragung)
20.10.2020 Eliana Duarte What is... a syzygy?
27.10.2020 Tobias Boege What is... the real Nullstellensatz?
03.11.2020 Christopher Borger What is... mixed reciprocity?
10.11.2020 Andreas Kretschmer What is... a sheaf?
17.11.2020 Philipp Korell What is... a singulatiry?
24.11.2020 Yuri Santos Rego What is... a knot complement?
01.12.2020 Marco Lotz What is... a hyperbolic space?
08.12.2020 Sebastian Geisler What is... a student's attitude for dropout?
15.12.2020 Philipp Korell What is... a blow up?
05.01.2021 Yuri Santos Rego What is... a zeta function?
19.01.2021 Christian Kaspers What is... successful online teaching?
26.01.2021 Stefanie Rach What is... the TALIS study?
09.02.2021 Tobias Boege What is... the Lefschetz principle?
20.04.2021 Yuri Santos Rego What is... the fundamental group?
27.04.2021 Tobias Boege What is... a Galois connection?
11.05.2021 Silke Neuhaus-Eckhardt What are... reading strategies for proofs?
18.05.2021 Marco Lotz What is... the basic construction?
25.05.2021 Yuri Santos Rego What is... a proof assistant?
01.06.2021 Eliana Duarte What is... a geometry lab?
08.06.2021 Olga Varghese What is... automatic continuity?


































If you are interested in giving a WISST talk or have any questions, please contact the coordinator of the seminar.

Last Modification: 24.05.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster