Peer-reviewed journal article
Imperfect repair in degradation processes - a Kijima-type approach - imperfect repair in degradation processes
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Applied stochastic models in business and industry - Chichester: Wiley, 1999 . - 2019[Online first]
Book chapter
Optimal maintenance for systems with two failure types
Dietrich, Stephanie; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Reliability engineering: theory and applications - Boca Raton$aLondon$aNew York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 . - 2018, S. 1-15
Book chapter
Optimal imperfect maintenance in a multi-state system
Dietrich, Stephanie; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Recent Advances in Multi-state Systems Reliability / Lisnianski , Anatoly - Cham : Springer International Publishing . - 2017, S. 179-193
Book chapter
Optimal imperfect maintenance in a multi-state system with two failure types
Dietrich, Stephanie; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management - SMRLO 2016 : 15-18 February 2016, Beer Sheva, Israel : proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 233-243[Kongress: Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO), Beer Sheva, Israel, 15-18 Februar, 2016]
Cost optimal maintenance in systems with imperfect maintenance
Dietrich, Stephanie; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Magdeburg, 2016, XI, 105 Blätter, Illustrationen[Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 102-105]
Model-based stochastic optimization of palm oil deodorization via Short-Path-Distillation towards 3-MCPD fatty acid ester formation and major oil quality parameters
Rudolph, Tim Christoph; Mörl, Lothar; Kahle, Waltraud; Warnecke, Gerald
In: Magdeburg, 2016, XIX, 228 Seiten, Illustrationen
Scientific monograph
Mathematical models and methods in reliability set. volume 3: Degradation processes in reliability
Kahle, Waltraud; Mercier, Sophie; Paroissin, Christian
In: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2016, xxii, 211 Seiten - (Mathematics and statistics series), ISBN: 978-1-84821-888-8 [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 199-207]
Parallel algorithms for optimization of dynamic systems in real-time
Frasch, Janick; Sager, Sebastian; Benner, Peter; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Leuven [u.a.]: Arenberg Doctoral School [u.a.], Zugl.: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2014, XX, 268 S., ISBN: 978-94-6018-938-8
Book chapter
Optimal maintenance in degradation processes
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Statistical Models and methods for reliability and survival analysis. - Hoboken : Wiley, S. 323-334, 2013
Statistical papers
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Berlin ; Heidelberg [u.a.], Springer, ISSN: 0932-5026, 2276410, 2013
Scientific monograph
Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse und Qualitätssicherung
Kahle, Waltraud; Liebscher, Eckhard
In: München: Oldenbourg-Verl., 2013, X, 315 S., ISBN: 978-3-486-72028-0 [Literaturverz. S. [305] - 311]
Book chapter
Optimal incomplete maintenance in multi-state systems
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Recent Advances in System Reliability - Signatures, Multi-state Systems and Statistical Inference: Signatures, Multi-state Systems and Statistical Inference - London: Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2012 . - 2012, S. 209-218
Book chapter
Damage, stress, degradation, shock
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Wiley encyclopedia of operations research and management science ; Vol. 2: [Co - Dy]. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, S. 1127-1133, 2011
Optimal incomplete maintenance for systems with discrete time-to-failure distribution
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability. - Boston : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, S. 123-132, 2011Kongress: MMR 2009; 6 (Moscow) : 2009.06.22-26
Original article in peer-reviewed international journal
Applying multivariate techniques to high-dimensional temporally correlated fMRI data
Adolf, Daniela; Baecke, Sebastian; Kahle, Waltraud; Bernarding, Johannes; Kropf, Siegfried
In: Journal of statistical planning and inference - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 141 (2011), Heft 12, S. 3760-3770
Book chapter
Parametric shock models
Kahle, Waltraud; Wendt, Heide
In: Advances in degradation modeling . - Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Birkhäuser, ISBN 978-0-8176-4923-4, S. 77-104
The Wiener process as a degradation model: modeling and parameter estimation
Kahle, Waltraud; Lehmann, Axel
In: Advances in degradation modeling . - Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Birkhäuser, ISBN 978-0-8176-4923-4, S. 127-146
Advances in degradation modeling - applications to reliability, survival analysis, and finance
Nikulin, Michail S.; Limnios, Nikolaos; Balakrishnan, N.; Kahle, Waltraud; Huber-Carol, Catherine
In: Boston, Mass. [u.a.]: Birkhäuser, 2010, XXXVIII, 416 S. - (Statistics for industry and technology), ISBN: 978-0-8176-4923-4 [Literaturangaben]
Article in conference proceedings
Optimal general repair of systems with discrete lifetimes
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management . - Shamoon College of Engineering, S. 485-486, 2010Kongress: SMRLO'10; (Beer Sheva, Israel) : 2010.02.08-11
"Alles was zählt!" - der mathematische Blick
Bräsel, Heidemarie; Christoph, Gerd; Grunau, Hans-Christoph; Henk, Martin; Henning, Herbert; Kahle, Waltraud; Kaibel, Volker; Manteuffel, Karl; Pott, Alexander; Warnecke, Gerald; Willems, Wolfgang
In: Magdeburg: Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, 2009, Getr. Zählung, Ill., 29 cm - (Technical Report; Fakultät für Mathematik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg; 2009,2)
Book chapter
Optimal incomplete maintenance for weibull failure processes
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Statistical models and methods for biomedical and technical systems . - Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Birkhäuser, ISBN 0-8176-4464-4, S. 127-135
Some properties of incomplete repair and maintenance models
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Advances in mathematical modeling for reliability . - Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press, ISBN 978-1-586-03865-6, S. 32-38, 2008
Original article in peer-reviewed international journal
Optimal maintenance policies in incomplete repair models
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Reliability engineering & system safety - London : Elsevier, Bd. 92 (2007), Heft 5, S. 563-565
Optimal maintenance policies in incomplete repair models
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Reliability engineering & system safety . - London : Elsevier, Bd. 92.2007, 5, S. 563-565
Book chapter
Incomplete preventive maintenance
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Prague Stochastics 2006 . - Praha : MATFYZPress, ISBN 80-8673275-4, S. 138-144Kongress: Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics; 7 (Prague) : 2006.08.21-25Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Function and Random Processes; 15 (Prague) : 2006.08.21-25
Optimal maintenance policies in incomplete repair models
Kahle, Waltraud
In: BIOSTAT 2006 . - Nicosia, ISBN 9963-64453-8, S. 123-128Kongress: International Conference Statistical Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems; (Limassol, Cyprus) : 2006.05.29-31BIOSTAT 2006; (Limassol, Cyprus) : 2006.05.29-31
Statistical analysis of some parametric degradation models
Kahle, Waltraud; Wendt, Heide
In: Probability, statistics, and modelling in public health . - New York, NY : Springer, ISBN 0-387-26022-6, S. 266-279, 2006
Book chapter
Statistical models for the degree of repair in incomplete repair models.
Kahle, Waltraud
In: Frenkel, Ilia (Hrsg.) ; ... (Hrsg.): Stochastic models in reliability, safety, security and logistics, SMRSSL 2005 (international symposium, Beer Sheva, February 15-17 2005). - proceedings. Beer Sheva : SCE, 2005, S. 178 - 181 (SMRSSL 2005)
Book chapter
On parameter estimation for a position-dependent marking of a doubly stochastic poisson process.
Wendt, Heide; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Nikulin, M. S. (Hrsg.) ; Balakrishnan, N. (Hrsg.) ; Mesbah, M. (Hrsg.) ; Limnios, N. (Hrsg.): Parametric and semiparametric models with applications to reliability, survival analysis, and quality of life. Boston : Birkhäuser, 2004, S. 473 - 486
Neural success-related correlates of human auditory working memory : an fMRI study analyzed with independent component analysis.
Sohr, Mandy; Gaschler-Markefski, Birgit; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Antonov, V. (Hrsg.) ; Huber, C. (Hrsg.) ; Nikulin, N. (Hrsg.) ; Polischook, V. (Hrsg.): Longevity, aging and degradation models in reliabibility, public health, medicine and biology, LADï2004 (Mezdunarodnaja konferencija, Sankt-Peterburg, 07.06.-09.06.2004). - materialy. Tom 2. Sankt-Peterburg : St. Petersburg State Politechnical Univ., 2004, S. 274 - 283
Original article in peer-reviewed international journal
On a cumulative damage process and resulting first passages times.
Kahle, Waltraud; Wendt, Heide
In: Applied stochastic models in business and industry [Chichester] 20(2004), S. 17 - 26
Article in conference proceedings
On parameter estimation for a position-dependent marking of a doubly stochastic Poisson process.
Wendt, Heide; Kahle, Waltraud
In: Nikulin, Mikhail S. (Veranst.) ; ... (Veranst.): Semiparametric models and applications (Workshop in honor of Catherine Huber-Carol Mont Saint Michel May 15-17, 2003). Mont Saint Michel, 2003, [4 S.]
Original article in peer-reviewed international journal
A general repair, proportional-hazards, framework to model complex repairable systems.
Gasmi, Sofiane; Love, C.Ernie; Kahle, Waltraud
In: IEEE transactions on reliability [New York, NY] 52(2003), Nr. 1, S. 26 - 32
Original article in peer-reviewed periodical-type series
Modelling the influence of maintenance actions.
Kahle, Waltraud; Love, Charles E.
In: Lindqvist, Bo H. (Hrsg.) ; Doksum, Kjell A. (Hrsg.): Mathematical and statistical methods in reliability. New Jersey [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2003, S. 387 - 399 (Series in quality, reliability & engineering statistics 7)
Original article in peer-reviewed periodical-type series
Vergleich verschiedener Modelle für Ausfall-Reparatur-Prozesse.
Kahle, Waltraud; Love, C.E.
In: Ferger, D. (Bearb.) Franz, J. (Bearb.): Stochastische Modelle und ihre Anwendungen (Workshop Weißig 19. - 22. März 2001). - ausgewählte Beiträge. Dresden : Technische Universität, 2001, S. 31 - 34 (Dresdner Schriften zur mathematischen Stochastik 4/2001))
Book chapter
Statistical analysis of damage processes.
Kahle, Waltraud; Wendt, Heide
In: Limnios, N. (Hrsg.) ; Nikulin, M. (Hrsg.): Recent advances in reliability theory : methodology, practice and inference. Boston : Birkhäuser, 2000, S. 199 - 212 (Statistics for industry and technology)
Article in conference proceedings
Identifying failure/repair processes with general repair intensities and imperfect repairs.
Kahle, Waltraud; Love, C.E.
In: Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 (Hrsg.): Methodology, practice and inference (Second International conference on mathematical methods in reliability, MMR' 2000, Bordeaux, France July 4-7, 2000). Vol. 2. Bordeaux, 2000, S. 579 - 582